The Bordentown Historical Society is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 non-profit with the mission to preserve, teach and inspire curiosity about Bordentown’s rich history. Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated. Your commitment will help us further our mission and move closer to achieve our vision to develop a first-class center for historical and cultural attractions in Bordentown.
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Bordentown Historical Society is elated to share with our members and friends that the Society has been awarded a Level 1 Capital Grant from the Board of the NJ Historic Trust in the amount of
$88,110 for our overall roof replacement application.
Margaret Westfield of Westfield Architects and Preservation Consultants truly did a fabulous job guiding this proposal through the State Board. We anticipate starting work on this project sometime early spring 2018. In addition to this award we received a very generous bequest from the Crosswicks Foundation of Crosswicks, NJ to also support our roof project. We are very thankful to our supportive neighbors who also funded the Clara Barton Schoolhouse restoration a few years ago